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Multiplied Discipleship:

In April 2021, Clementia launched the Multiplied Discipleship Relief & outreach ministry in Keserwan & Byblos, Lebanon; it is the expanded ministry of Hope4Beirut which served Lebanese families affected by the Beirut blast. Ever since the blast, Lebanon has been going through a multi-layered crisis which developed the concept of multi-dimensional poverty. 82% of population lives under a multi-dimensional poverty, considering dimensions other than income, such as access to health, education and public utilities. So even if a family has money, that doesn’t mean they have access to their basic needs! Citizens wrestle with unlivable wages, medicine shortages, power outages, unemployment and more.

Clementia, in partnership with the local church, is reaching out to families that were affected by the Beirut blast, but we have added 600-700 families from 15 different areas within our province. Carrying out relief & discipleship door-to-door is an unprecedented opportunity that the church has so long prayed for.

The Multiplied Discipleship team meets weekly for prayer and a Bible study before going out in pairs to carry out home visits and to distribute food packages, food vouchers, gas vouchers, medical items and drugs, winterization items and more.

Multiplied Discipleship: About Us
Multiplied Discipleship: Pro Gallery
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